Available Frames |
Tags | Flags | Special | Data | |
Software/Hardware and settings used for encoding (TSSE) | | | | |
Subtitle/Description refinement (TIT3) | | | | |
Original artist(s)/performer(s) (TOPE) | | Seperated by / | | |
Unknown Frame (OTHER) | | |
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Title sort order (TSOT) | | | | |
Encoded by (TENC) | | | | |
Part of a set (TPOS) | | | | |
Conductor/performer refinement (TPE3) | | | | |
Lyricist/Text writer (TEXT) | | Seperated by / | | |
Internet radio station name (TRSN) | | | | |
Publisher (TPUB) | | | | |
Interpreted, remixed, or otherwise modifier by (TPE4) | | | | |
Official audio file webpage (WOAF) | | | | |
Official audio source webpage (WOAS) | | | | |
Official internet radio station homepage (WORS) | | | | |
Commercial information (WCOM) | | | | |
Comments (COMM) | |
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